Disturbing news from Russia – the situation in Severodvinsk city seems to be worse than Putin's Propaganda Machine lie to us. What's really happening in this Russian city?

As I live in Estonia, I read news from Russia sometimes because this big wild stupid country is our neighbor, unfortunately. And what do I see today: "The level of radiation in Severodvinsk city following the August 8 incident at military test site is 4-25 times above the natural background, evacuation already planned" - what??? Wait a minute, do we have another new Chernobyl again nearby?

After explosion at Russian military missile testing site near Severodvinsk city, the radiation level in this city is so high that even the official Russian Government recommends to residents not to go outside. At least 5 people were killed and 15 were seriously injured as the result of the explosion.

We all know how Putin's Propaganda Machine wants to hide the truth, especially if it affects the reputation of Russia. Local authorities in Severodvinsk last week initially published information about the spike in radiation level, but later this information has been deleted and a local official say that radiation levels are not above the normal level.

Meantime, the rise of radiation level registered even in Finland! My country also located not so far away from Severodvinsk city, so this is not so great news for me. When Russia starts to grow up to be more civilized country? Do we have another new Chernobyl again? An explosion, a radiation spike, evacuations planned and canceled. What's really happening in Russia?