So year 2020 is here and what about Unity game engine networking? Is there a brand new awesome networking library available finally?

The short answer is – No. No any new promised awesome official networking solution for more than a year already! Only old abandoned UNET for those who want to add some multiplayer stuff to their Unity game. Nice job Unity team as usual!

If you think that this situation is normal – think twice. Unity team deprecates UNET in August 2018, stating they have been working on an awesome new networking solution. As for now, only alpha quality code with almost no official support has been released, as well as a few demo projects and almost no documentation or even a solid timeline for a new networking solution to be ready. I see no reason to wait something good from Unity team anymore because they just can’t keep their promises. Moreover, they just delete all my negative posts on their official forum. What to say – nice job Unity team – you are definitely moving into the right direction!

For those who want to make multiplayer game in 2020 I strongly recommend to use Unreal Engine. It has battle tested good networking solution, and it just works. Moreover, now you can get Smooth Sync plugin for free to improve it even more. Available here as free for the month ->>> link - many thanks, Epic Games team!

If for some reason you still want to use Unity game engine for making multiplayer game in 2020 then use Mirror ->>> link - there is no better alternative for now. You can only hope that these enthusiastic guys who work on it not abandon it anytime soon. Also bear in mind that this is not an official solution – people just try to make at least something they can use for multiplayer games since Unity team just don’t care.

You can also read my old article about Unity Networking in 2019 – nothing changed since then ->>> link. If you have something to add, just write a comment.