Hello everyone! In this short article, I want to talk about Unity vs Unreal in the middle of 2020. I believe that this year is the last year of Unity game engine. Why? Let’s discuss!

Unreal is making production ready just about everything, so what is Unity doing? Have they fixed their new multiplayer system? No. Is Universal Render Pipeline (URP) production ready now? No. Everything in Unity is still in preview no matter what Unity team says to us, and they still force us to pay for a freaking dark editor theme. Unreal acts as a motivator for Unity to get their pile of garbage together, but there is still no end of doing that in sight.

Working with latest Unity versions and DOTS/URP stack feels like walking on a minefield. I suggest to Unity team to use new definitions to be clear: "Production ready" / "Really production ready" / "We swear now it ready for production". Unity team lies a lot, and that is the thing I hate most about them. I have been hearing about DOTS since 2018, and I am still not sure - is it ready to use, how to use it and why to use it.

The problem with Unity is that there's never been a really stable release, not even an LTS one. This forces people to upgrade to tech releases in the hope that a crucial bug finally might have been fixed. Nothing about Unity feels professional at this point. While Epic Games team always has been friendly and casual with their users, Unity team always has been a "company" and we are just their "clients".

Acquiring Quixel and making it free was the last nail in the coffin for Unity. Now anyone can have the same level of graphics as big AAA studios. Quixel Bridge has completely changed our workflow and allowed to get much better fidelity in our new game project. Many thanks, Epic Games team, you are just awesome!

Epic Games team has enough Fortnite money to work hard to give us everything we need to make great games - Unreal Engine 5 going to be just awesome. Unreal game engine is totally free now until you make $1 million, then you will just have to pay the 5%. Meanwhile, Unity team seems to be struggling to find a reliant source of income.

Unity still works for beginners, but once they get more experienced, Unreal is the way to go. Going to Unreal is a real breath of fresh air, and the conversion process is much smoother than anticipated since Unreal game engine integrates so many systems into the core.

Never underestimate Unity's ability to continue as a terrible unusable game engine - it will take several years for Unity to become useful for some serious game projects, even if they manage to add all those features which they've promised us for many years now. If you have something to add, just write a comment.