We do not stop playing because we grow old,
we grow old because we stop playing!
― Benjamin Franklin
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Recent Posts:

FADEIN AND FADEOUT IN PURE JAVASCRIPT   My implementation of fadeIn() and fadeOut() functionality from JQuery in pure JavaScript.
C# ELIAS GAMMA ENCODING   Every compression software needs to make a representation of original information data in the smallest amount of bits possible.
C# DISCRETE WAVELET TRANSFORM CLASS   I am trying to create modern transform-based audio processing software for audio compression and decompression.
C# DISCRETE COSINE TRANSFORM CLASS   Another C# class ready of my DWA audio data compression algorithm. This time it is well-known transform - DCT.
WHO NEEDS RAY TRACING?   Today I want to discuss the current situation with Ray Tracing technology and answer the question – do we really need it?
2020: THE END OF UNITY GAME ENGINE   I believe that this year is the last year of Unity game engine. Why? Let’s discuss!
UNITY NETWORKING IN 2020   So year 2020 is here and what about Unity game engine networking? Is there a brand new awesome networking library available finally?
COOL FREE ASSETS FOR UNREAL ENGINE   Hello everyone, good news for game developers! From now you can get some cool Quixel MegaScans PBR textures for free.
IS THERE NEW CHERNOBYL IN SEVERODVINSK?   Disturbing news from Russia - the situation in Severodvinsk city seems to be worse than Putin's Propaganda Machine lie to us.
HOW TO DISABLE OBSOLETE WARNINGS IN UNITY   My short practical guide on how to stop nasty spam of obsolete warning messages in Unity game engine editor.
UNREAL ENGINE GRAPHICS IN UNITY   In this article I’ll show the way to improve quality of graphics in Unity game engine.
UNREAL ENGINE WINS IN 2019!   In this short article I want to describe why we moved from Unity to Unreal Engine.
ARE YOU OK UNITY?   My short article about current situation with Unity game engine and our future plans.
C# AUDIO WINDOWING CLASS   Here is the brand new article about my DWA (Digital Waveform Archive) audio data compression algorithm.
WHY UNITY ASSET STORE IS BAD?   I like Unity game engine and I like that I can use assets from Unity Asset Store. So why Unity Asset Store is bad?
WHAT’S NEW IN UNITY 2019.1   Unity 2019.1 is here and it seems like Unity team makes a lot of changes in game engine at the moment.
UNITY NETWORKING IN 2019   The official networking solution UNET has been deprecated and the official replacement hasn't been released yet.
WHAT’S NEW IN UNITY 2018.3   Unity 2018.3 should be released by the end of this year. Let’s take a look at the new technologies it brings to game developers.
UNITY POST-PROCESSING   In this article I would like to talk about post-processing in Unity game engine and show my best practice results.
UNITY NETWORKING IN 2018   Multiplayer games are fun. It’s always better to play with real human players than with any kind of artificial intelligence.
OUR TEAM AND FUTURE PLANS   Some people ask for more information about our team and future plans.
BEST PHP FRAMEWORK   Most common way to make a website is to use PHP language. But it's even better to use a good PHP framework.
C# WAV FILE CLASS   Generally WAV file format consists of some info headers called “chunks”, audio data section and some optional metadata.
UNITY VS UNREAL ENGINE IN 2018   Unity and Unreal Engine are the two most popular game engines today. So which one is actually the best in 2018?
DIGITAL WAVEFORM ARCHIVE   Today I start a new topic about my algorithm of audio data compression named DWA (Digital Waveform Archive).

Most Popular:

C# WAV FILE CLASS   Generally WAV file format consists of some info headers called “chunks”, audio data section and some optional metadata.
UNITY NETWORKING IN 2019   The official networking solution UNET has been deprecated and the official replacement hasn't been released yet.
BEST PHP FRAMEWORK   Most common way to make a website is to use PHP language. But it's even better to use a good PHP framework.
UNREAL ENGINE WINS IN 2019!   In this short article I want to describe why we moved from Unity to Unreal Engine.
UNITY NETWORKING IN 2020   So year 2020 is here and what about Unity game engine networking? Is there a brand new awesome networking library available finally?
ARE YOU OK UNITY?   My short article about current situation with Unity game engine and our future plans.
HOW TO DISABLE OBSOLETE WARNINGS IN UNITY   My short practical guide on how to stop nasty spam of obsolete warning messages in Unity game engine editor.
C# AUDIO WINDOWING CLASS   Here is the brand new article about my DWA (Digital Waveform Archive) audio data compression algorithm.
WHY UNITY ASSET STORE IS BAD?   I like Unity game engine and I like that I can use assets from Unity Asset Store. So why Unity Asset Store is bad?
UNITY POST-PROCESSING   In this article I would like to talk about post-processing in Unity game engine and show my best practice results.
2020: THE END OF UNITY GAME ENGINE   I believe that this year is the last year of Unity game engine. Why? Let’s discuss!
DIGITAL WAVEFORM ARCHIVE   Today I start a new topic about my algorithm of audio data compression named DWA (Digital Waveform Archive).
UNITY VS UNREAL ENGINE IN 2018   Unity and Unreal Engine are the two most popular game engines today. So which one is actually the best in 2018?
UNREAL ENGINE GRAPHICS IN UNITY   In this article I’ll show the way to improve quality of graphics in Unity game engine.
WHAT’S NEW IN UNITY 2018.3   Unity 2018.3 should be released by the end of this year. Let’s take a look at the new technologies it brings to game developers.
OUR TEAM AND FUTURE PLANS   Some people ask for more information about our team and future plans.
UNITY NETWORKING IN 2018   Multiplayer games are fun. It’s always better to play with real human players than with any kind of artificial intelligence.
WHAT’S NEW IN UNITY 2019.1   Unity 2019.1 is here and it seems like Unity team makes a lot of changes in game engine at the moment.
IS THERE NEW CHERNOBYL IN SEVERODVINSK?   Disturbing news from Russia - the situation in Severodvinsk city seems to be worse than Putin's Propaganda Machine lie to us.
COOL FREE ASSETS FOR UNREAL ENGINE   Hello everyone, good news for game developers! From now you can get some cool Quixel MegaScans PBR textures for free.
C# DISCRETE WAVELET TRANSFORM CLASS   I am trying to create modern transform-based audio processing software for audio compression and decompression.
C# DISCRETE COSINE TRANSFORM CLASS   Another C# class ready of my DWA audio data compression algorithm. This time it is well-known transform - DCT.
WHO NEEDS RAY TRACING?   Today I want to discuss the current situation with Ray Tracing technology and answer the question – do we really need it?
C# ELIAS GAMMA ENCODING   Every compression software needs to make a representation of original information data in the smallest amount of bits possible.
FADEIN AND FADEOUT IN PURE JAVASCRIPT   My implementation of fadeIn() and fadeOut() functionality from JQuery in pure JavaScript.
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